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Economics, Demographics, and Societal Considerations: Alewife Brook

Tail End of the Alewife Brook, October 2022. For this final blog post of the semester, I figured I would bring it back home and take the opportunity to engage closely with my own community here in North Cambridge. Having relocated to the Boston area for the sole purpose of undergraduate study, not to mention at the height of COVID restrictions during the Fall of 2020, my knowledge of the city and Cambridge specifically was limited essentially to just the Yard, and maybe the CVS on JFK St.— but this is unequivocally no longer the case. As an off-campus student living in Alewife, I’ve developed a much closer connection to the immediate community and space around me in North Cambridge, and despite sharing local policies and only being around 2 miles away from the heart of Harvard Square, the social environment and even actual environment here feel like they are at a world’s distance away from the rest of Cambridge (particularly Harvard Square and the residential area around Longfellow Pa

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